An index of blood pressure in men over 80 years of 150/90 mm of Hg or more was presumed to be liable for treatment.

It is clear from the table that blood pressure rises after the age of 60 years and peaks at about 75-89 years and gradually reduces thereafter.Ī lot of debates have surfaced in recent times regarding considering treatment of hypertension in men over 80 years of age. This table above shows ranges for normal blood pressure for men over 50 years of age. Normal Range For Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm of Hg) (Read: Foods Not To Eat For High Blood Pressure) Other Factors responsible for high blood pressure values are oral contraceptive pills, emotions, meals, exercise drugs and medications, humidity, vibration and noise.Co-morbidities – diabetes and renal disorders have a positive correlation with high blood pressure.This suggests over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system is associated with a higher risk for developing hypertension. Environmental Stress – Studies on young individuals reveal significantly higher nor-adrenaline levels in hypertensive persons.Alcohol Consumption – High alcohol intake is associated with a high risk of having hypertension and abstinence results in normalized blood pressure values.Obesity – Being overweight has a positive relation with diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.Physical inactivity – This has a direct relationship with high blood pressure.Similarly, dietary fiber helps in reducing blood pressure. Lifestyle and Diet – Consumption of food rich in fatty acids raise blood pressure.This is the reason hypertensive patients are advised a salt-restricted diet. Lowering intake of salt normalizes blood pressure. High Salt Intake – A daily salt intake of about 7-8 grams increases blood pressure proportionately.Family History – Children ofnormotensivee patients have a 3% possibility of developing hypertension later in their life in contrast to 45% in children whose parents are hypertensive.Ethnicity – Studies have recorded higher blood pressure values in the black community as compared to the others.Possibly owing to the protective effect of estrogen. Females, on the other hand, showed an increase in blood pressure after menopause. Men, however, have higher blood pressure values during adolescence and early adult life. Sex – There is little evidence that suggests a disparity between high blood pressure among females and males.Age – A study conducted proved that systolic blood pressure showed an increase with age in both males and females.Factors Which Influence Blood Pressure Values