It is a complete series reboot, so the previous five games hold no sway in this trilogy. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is the third and final game in the "Legend of Spyro" trilogy that started with A New Beginning and was continued in The Eternal Night.

It's been quite a few years since then, but I think I can still remember what it was like. The first way was simply as a gamer who remembers getting the first Spyro game for his original Playstation, and the other was to realize that I'm not the target audience, and instead try to view it from the perspective of an 11 year-old boy. I want to be a fair reviewer, with as little bias as possible, so I went into this game looking at it two different ways. Now, it seems that you've seen a few too many epic fantasy movies and read the Big Book of Genre Cliches and taken every word to heart. Spyro, my old friend, what have they done to you? I remember when you first busted out on the scene, you were a plucky dragon facing off against an evil sorceress who commanded an army of rhino things.