The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable contains data needed by Windows to efficiently install and run applications written in C++, i.e., a type of programming language. There are 64-mb memcards in pcsx2 also, create a new memcard with 64mb int it. Repair Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Then, proceed to the troubleshooting steps below if your device is malware-free. We recommend running a virus scan using Windows Defender or your preferred antivirus software. The vast majority of titles need to be re-released as ISOs using ImgBurn or another program before they are playable. I have no idea how to fix this or makes this work. Some classic PS2 games have a special black screen (CDVD READ ERROR) due to PCSX2 not being able to play games directly from your DVD drive.

An unspecified error occurred while trying to create the SysExecutor thread. when i go to load pcsx2 i get this error: PCSX2 Critical error Thread creation failure. For instance, a virus may delete the files from your device. 1 12-18-2011, 04:41 AM ive look though all the FAQ and alot of the forum.